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We under that sometimes “life happens” and you may need a refund on fees paid for services to PRADEEP LODH. We try to be fair and create a policy that is a win-win for both parties.

In general, you can request a full refund within 3 days of placing the order. If a refund is a request past 3 days, it will require a manual refund as we cannot put it back on the purchasing credit card and a check will be mailed to you.

Once work has started on your project, a partial refund may or may not be available, so please check out the product-specific refund policies below:

Fees for your design consultation or any bespoke order will not be refunded.

*Production errors do not include design and embroidery elements on placed order (i.e., fabric, embroidery, packaging).

If you do not communicate with PRADEEP LODH for a period of 10 consecutive days for refund or cancellation, PRADEEP LODH will honor its commitment to fulfill the order, there won't be any cancellation applicable to the order(s).

There are no refunds on any completed work.

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